Privacy Customers and Suppliers

We inform you, pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 - Code regarding the protection of personal data - that the data concerning you may be processed in compliance with the aforementioned legislation, as well as other regulations regarding the protection of personal data.


Nature and purpose of the processing
A1) for pre-contractual and preliminary information regarding the stipulation of the contract;
A2) for the execution of the contract and its administrative management;
A3) for market analysis and statistics, for sending advertising, promotional or information material on the group's activities, for verifying customer satisfaction;
A4) for participation, also jointly, in public contracts and private tenders.
As part of the commercial relationship, not all the information provided or collected is mandatory, but also the optional ones (A3 and A4) are indispensable / useful for the maintenance and development of the relationship over time.


Methods of treatment
The data will be processed in a lawful and correct manner and in any case in compliance with the aforementioned legislation, using instruments suitable for guaranteeing its security and confidentiality and may also be carried out using automated tools designed to store, manage and transmit the data. themselves.
The processing will be carried out primarily by the internal organization of the firm under the direction and control of the person in charge of processing your data and, for the purposes indicated above, also by third parties.
The data will be stored in a form that allows the identification of the data subject for a period of time not exceeding that necessary for the purposes for which they are collected and processed.


Consequences of refusal to respond
Except in the case of legal or contractual obligations, the refusal to respond may make it impossible for the writer to carry out the processing / communication of your data for the purposes indicated in the information, in particular for the management of the commercial relationship with you.


Categories of subjects to whom the data may be communicated or who may learn about them
Without prejudice to the communications made in fulfillment of an obligation of law, regulation or community legislation, the communication (even by simple consultation or making available) of data concerning you may intervene in relation to the following subjects:
• Natural or legal persons who provide specific services: data processing, control and review of business processes and balance sheet data, after-sales assistance, logistics services, customer satisfaction surveys, consultancy, organization of fairs and conferences;
• Commercial intermediaries, banks and credit institutions, financial intermediation companies, natural or legal persons in charge of credit recovery, certification of financial statements and quality systems;
• Natural or legal persons who request references / data for the purpose of participating in public tenders or in the context of the execution of supply contracts;
We reassure you that, in any case, only the data necessary and relevant to the purposes of the processing for which they are responsible are transferred to the aforementioned subjects.


We also inform you that in relation to the aforementioned treatments, you can exercise the rights referred to in art. 7 of the aforementioned legislation.


Indications of the owner and of the responsible
"Owner" for the processing of personal data, pursuant to the aforementioned law, is MOTO Mechatronics, via Tripoli, 54 - 10136 Turin. The Data Processor is the pro tempore manager of the Accounting function, who can be contacted at


Questions and Comments
MOTO Mechatronics undertakes to respond to any reasonable request relating to the review of personal data and to correct, amend or delete any inaccuracies. If you have any questions or comments to submit regarding the Data Privacy Protection Policy - Personal Data Protection Regulations (eg to review and update your personal data), send an e-mail to:

Chi siamo

Nata dall’incontro fra diverse professionalità attive nel campo dell’ingegneria industriale, maturate all’interno dei centri di ricerca più innovativi nel campo dell’automotive e del Politecnico di Torino I3P, MOTO Mechatronics nasce con l’intento di riunire in un unico prodotto i sistemi più avanzati della meccanica e dell’elettronica, sviluppando una costante attività di ricerca applicata all'innovazione di prodotto e dei processi di produzione Obiettivo finale, quello di essere protagonisti della trasformazione del sistema industriale italiano verso le nuove frontiere di prodotto e di processo, che richiedono sempre maggiore automazione, precisione, duttilità e, non ultima, riduzione dei costi. Per essere al passo con i tempi e con le esigenze di un mercato ultra-concorrenziale e in continua trasformazione.

MOTO Mechatronics
Via Nuoro, 30B-10137 Torino - Italy
P.IVA 09898610010 - C.F. VLPSVT74B19D960P
Codice univoco: BA6ET11
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+39 011 2637343
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lu-ve: 09.30 - 18.30


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