End User License

The use of the internet pages provided by MOTO Mechatronics and / or by companies affiliated with it or directly or indirectly controlled by it (hereinafter referred to as "MOTO"), and of the "MOTO Web Site" (MOTO website) , is permitted solely on the basis of the terms and conditions of this license, which may be amended, modified or replaced by other terms and conditions, such as the purchase of products and services. In case of log-in, or when no log-in is required, using the MOTO Web Site for the first time, it will be necessary to accept the terms and conditions of this license in the version provided.2.Services2.1In the MOTO Web Site, MOTO offers specific information and software, as well as - if necessary - related documentation, in viewing or in download version.2.2MOTO reserves the right to interrupt operations on the MOTO Web Site in whole or in part at any time . Due to the nature of the internet and computer systems, MOTO assumes no responsibility for the availability of the MOTO Web Site over time.3.Registration, Password3.1

It is possible that some pages of the MOTO Web are password protected. For security reasons and to safeguard financial transactions, only registered Users can access these pages. MOTO reserves the right to deny registration to Users it deems necessary. In particular, MOTO reserves the right to make certain sites, previously accessible to all, subject to registration. MOTO has the right, at any time and without any obligation of explanation, to deny a User the right to access the password-protected area by blocking the relevant User Data (as indicated below), in particular if the User:

  • use a false identity with the purpose of deceiving third parties;
  • violates the terms and conditions of this contract or fails to fulfill its duty with respect to the User Data; or
  • you do not use the MOTO Web Site for a long period of time.
3.2For registration purposes, the User must provide accurate information; if this information changes over time, the User is required to inform MOTO (if possible online) without further delay. The User must ensure that the e-mail address provided to MOTO is active and current (that is, that the User can be contacted by this means).3.3Upon registration, the User will be provided with an access code, including a User ID and a password ("User Data"). At the first access, the User must replace the password received from MOTO with a password known only to him. User Data allows the User to view or change their data or, where relevant, withdraw their consent to the processing of personal data.3.4The User must ensure that his User data is not accessible to third parties and is reliable for all transactions and activities performed on the basis of the same. At the end of each online session, the User will log out of the websites that require the password. If the User becomes aware of the fact that his User Data is used by third parties, he must inform MOTO in writing without delay or, where requested, by e-mail.3.5Following receipt of the notice referred to in paragraph 3.4, MOTO must deny access to the password protected areas to said User Data. Access will be possible only upon request by the User to MOTO or following a new registration.3.6The User can request in writing at any time the cancellation of the registration, provided that said cancellation does not violate the correct implementation of the contractual relationships. In this case, MOTO will delete all User Data as well as other personal identification data relating to the User as soon as said data is no longer needed.4.Right of Use of Information, Software Products and Documentation4.1The use of information, software products and documentation permitted on the MOTO Web Site is subject to the Terms and Conditions of this User License or, in the event of updating the information, software products or documentation, to the rules contained in the applicable licenses previously agreed with MOTO. The separately agreed licensing rules will prevail over the Terms and Conditions of this agreement.4.2MOTO grants the User the non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use the information, software products and documentation made available on the MOTO Web Site within the agreed terms, or, if such an agreement has not been stipulated, within the purposes intended by MOTO in making these means available4.3The software is made available free of charge in object code. The user has no right to request the availability of the source code. This rule does not apply to source code related to "open source" (free) software, whose license conditions take precedence over the Terms and Conditions of this agreement, in case of transfer of "open source software", the conditions of which require that the source code be made available. In this case, MOTO will make the source code available in exchange for any costs incurred.4.4

Information, software products and documentation must in no case be distributed to third parties, nor rented or made accessible in any way. As is known, reproduction and translation or modification are allowed to subjects other than MOTO exclusively for the following purposes:

  • use of the program in accordance with MOTO's instructions;
  • the so-called backup copy;
  • the so-called "reverse engineering", but limited to the purpose of obtaining essential information to ensure that a program, created autonomously, interoperates with the MOTO program
4.5Information, software products and documentation are protected by copyright laws as well as by other laws and conventions relating to intellectual property. Pursuant to article 1, paragraph 1 of the decree-law 22 March 2004, n.72, as amended by the conversion law 21 May 2004 n.128, the works on this site have fulfilled the obligations deriving from the legislation on the copyright and related rights. The User is responsible for compliance with these laws; in particular, he must not for any reason remove alphanumeric codes, trademarks or "copyright notices" either from the information or from the software or documentation in his possession. The penalties provided for in articles 171, 171-bis, 171-ter, 174-bis and 174-ter of the law of 22 April 1941, no. 633 are applied to violations.4.6These provisions will have no effect on § 69a et seq. of the Italian Copyright Law. 5.Intellectual property5.1Regardless of the specific provisions contained in § 4 of the terms and conditions of this contract, information, trademarks and other contents of the MOTO Web Site may not be modified, copied, reproduced, sold, hired, used, integrated or otherwise used without prior written consent. by MOTO.5.2With the exception of the rights of use and any other rights expressly guaranteed in this document, the User will not be granted further rights nor is there a duty to grant them, such as, for example, but not limited to, company names or property rights intellectual property such as patents, trademarks or utility models.6.Duties of the User6.1

While using the MOTO Web Site, the User must refrain from:

  • hurt other people, especially minors, or infringe their personal rights;
  • offend public morals in the manner of use;
  • violate intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights;
  • upload content containing viruses, so-called Trojan Horses, or any other program that can damage data;
  • transmit, store or upload hyperlinks or contents to which the User is not authorized, in particular in cases where such hyperlinks or contents infringe the confidentiality obligations or are illegal; or
  • never distribute advertising or unsolicited e-mails (so-called "spamming") or inaccurate notices of viruses, defects or similar material, or solicit or request participation in sweepstakes, cascading systems, letter chains, pyramid games or similar actions.
6.2MOTO may refuse access to the MOTO Web Site at any time, in particular if the User breaches any of the obligations deriving from this contract.7.Hyperlink On the MOTO web pages you can find hyperlinks with other websites, proposed to provide a better service to its users.
MOTO is in no way responsible for the content of websites to which users may access through its site.
The existence of a Hyperlink to another site does not therefore imply approval or acceptance of responsibility by MOTO regarding the content of the new site accessed, also in relation to the policy adopted for the processing of personal data, as well as its use.
The use of these web pages is therefore the sole responsibility of the User.8.Liability for title or quality defects8.1The information on the MOTO website has the exclusive character of general information and could be, depending on the circumstances, faulty, incomplete or inaccurate.
MOTO also reserves the right to change the contents of the site at any time, even without notice.
MOTO assumes no responsibility for the eventualities described above or for the harmful consequences, direct or indirect, which may derive from the use or impossibility of using the information on the site.9.Other responsibilities, Viruses9.1MOTO's liability for defects relating to quality and title will be determined according to § 8 of this contract. Any further liabilities are excluded, with the exception of those deriving from willful misconduct or gross negligence9.2While doing everything in its power to keep the MOTO Web Site free of viruses, MOTO cannot guarantee that it is immune to it. The User must, for his protection, take the necessary steps to ensure appropriate security measures and use an antivirus program before downloading information, software products or documentation. The User must do everything reasonably possible to activate adequate security measures, as well as use an antivirus program to ensure that no viruses are uploaded to the MOTO Web Site.9.3§§ 9.1 and 9.2 do not imply any modification of the burden of proof for the User.10.Export Verifications10.1The export of certain information, software products and documentation may, due to its nature or for the intended purposes or destinations, be subject to authorization. The User is required to comply with export regulations relating to information, software and documentation, in particular those of the European Union, as well as those of the member states of the European Union and the United States. MOTO will classify information, software products and documentation according to export checklists for Italy, EU and US10.2

In particular, the User must check and verify the following:

  • that information, software products and documentation are not used for purposes related to armaments, nuclear energy, weapons of various kinds or other military use;
  • that no natural or legal person listed in the Denied Person List (DPL) drawn up by the United States receives goods, software or technology from the United States;
  • no natural or legal person whose name appears on the US Warning List, Entity List, or Specially Designated National List of the United States receives goods from the United States without authorization;
  • the notices issued by the competent German authorities are respected.
    Access to software products, documentation and information on the MOTO Web Site may only be in accordance with the aforementioned terms and warranties. If the User does not perform the above, MOTO will have no obligation to perform the contract.
10.3Upon request, MOTO must provide the User with a list of the most important contact points where he can find further information.11.Protection of Personal Data With regard to the collection, use and processing of personal identification data of the Users of the MOTO Web Site, MOTO is required to comply with the laws in force applicable on the protection of personal data, as well as the Data Protection Regulations on the MOTO Web Site available as a hyperlink on the MOTO Web Site and / or on www.mtmt.it12.Additional Agreements, Applicable Rules, Jurisdiction12.1Any other supplementary agreements must be in writing.12.2These conditions are governed by Italian law. Jurisdiction for any disputes is that of Turin.

Chi siamo

Nata dall’incontro fra diverse professionalità attive nel campo dell’ingegneria industriale, maturate all’interno dei centri di ricerca più innovativi nel campo dell’automotive e del Politecnico di Torino I3P, MOTO Mechatronics nasce con l’intento di riunire in un unico prodotto i sistemi più avanzati della meccanica e dell’elettronica, sviluppando una costante attività di ricerca applicata all'innovazione di prodotto e dei processi di produzione Obiettivo finale, quello di essere protagonisti della trasformazione del sistema industriale italiano verso le nuove frontiere di prodotto e di processo, che richiedono sempre maggiore automazione, precisione, duttilità e, non ultima, riduzione dei costi. Per essere al passo con i tempi e con le esigenze di un mercato ultra-concorrenziale e in continua trasformazione.

MOTO Mechatronics
Via Nuoro, 30B-10137 Torino - Italy
P.IVA 09898610010 - C.F. VLPSVT74B19D960P
Codice univoco: BA6ET11
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+39 011 2637343
+39 011 504058
lu-ve: 09.30 - 18.30


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Le fotografie sottostanti sono di proprietà dei rispettivi autori. Visita:https://spectrum.ieee.org